3X3 Social Media Marketing Tips That Work

Social media marketing is a great way to build your brand and connect with customers. But sometimes, it can be hard to get started. Not getting enough followers or likes on your posts is a common problem for people new to social media marketing.

You’ve got a great business, but if no one sees your posts, you won’t get the customers you want.

It’s a problem we all know too well: you post something on Instagram or Facebook, and nothing happens. As a result, you don’t get any likes or followers, so no one sees your stuff—and so your business isn’t growing as fast as it could be.

But it doesn’t have to be this way! We’re here to show you how to make sure that people see your posts and engage with them so that they’ll keep coming back for more.

1. Post more often. The more you post on social media, the more likely people will see your posts and click through to your website. Also, if you post more than once a day, people will know when they can expect new content from you—and that kind of consistency is valuable for building trust with customers.

2. Use hashtags effectively. Hashtags make it easy for users looking for something specific to find what they’re looking for—and if someone finds your business through one of these searches? They may become a customer! So please make sure you use relevant hashtags that relate to your business so potential customers can easily find out about what you offer them by searching the hashtag on Instagram or Twitter (or whatever platform).

3. Try video! Video is an excellent way to reach people who might not otherwise be interested in what you have to say—it’s just so much easier than reading text on screen! Try posting a video once every week or so; this should keep people coming back

What do you get when you combine your social media marketing strategy with YouTube videos, Instagram Reels, and LinkedIn Live Streams? A killer marketing strategy that will bring in more leads, more sales, and more customers.

1. YouTube channel: You’ve probably heard that YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, but did you know that people spend more time on YouTube every day than watching TV? If you’re not using this platform as part of your marketing strategy, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to reach potential customers.

2. Instagram Reels: Instagram Reels are short videos that tell stories about who you are as an organization and what makes your business special—and they’re great for increasing engagement with potential clients!

3. LinkedIn Live Streams: LinkedIn Live Streams allow users to broadcast live content straight from their smartphone or computer screen onto other users’ news feeds within seconds of recording it! Live Streams are an excellent way to share information about new products or services. 

If you don’t know where to begin? Or how to integrate these strategies into your existing marketing; we’ve got you covered! We can show you how to take all three ways and repurpose them into your existing content into new forms of social media marketing.

Remember, when trying to market your business on social media, you want people to share your content. But how do you get them to do that?

Here’s the thing: people need to trust and believe in you before they’ll share your content.

So what can you do?

Make sure that every piece of content you put out is valuable. It doesn’t matter if it’s a photo, a video, or a text post—if it solves a problem for the reader, they’ll be more likely to share it with their followers, friends, and family.

And because people don’t have time for fluff or BS, ensure that every piece of content has a clear purpose and direction. There should be no question about why you created ‘this piece piece’ or its end goal.

I hope these tips get you started in the right direction regarding your social media marketing and what a powerful strategy it can be for your business.

If you feel overwhelmed or confused about SMM strategies and want to talk about it, click here and let me know how I can help. 

I’m dedicated and passionate about meeting and listening to entrepreneurs and SBOs needing help.

During our conversation, if we discover, we have a fit, great! If not, no harm, and we both leave having grown from crossing paths. It’s always a win-win. So click here and let me know how I can help. 

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